These are very exciting times at C.H. Dean, Inc.
One week after being announced as one of Dayton’s Best Places to Work, we find ourselves on the cover of the Dayton Business Journal. The DBJ story discusses some of the recent success we have had here at Dean, including Dean Investment Associates being chosen by OPERS to manage a $50 million allocation of pension funds, our plans for growth, and our commitment to carrying on Chauncey Dean’s legacy of exceptional client service, employee retention, strong performance, community involvement, and philanthropic giving. Thanks to Ginger Christ from the DBJ for spending time with us earlier this week and writing such a great story about some of the exciting things happening here at Dean.
The OPERS story was also featured in a recent issue of Emerging Manager Monthly. We are proud of the selection by OPERS. It serves as a testament to the terrific people, processes, and systems we have in place here at Dean. While the press coverage is great, the bottom line is that we are alive and well – working tirelessly to show our clients what The Dean Difference is all about.